



  1. productive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain.

  2. the body of persons engaged in such activity, especially those working for wages.

  3. this body of persons considered as a class (distinguished from management, and capital).

  4. physical or mental work, especially of a hard or fatiguing kind; toil.

  5. a job or task done or to be done.

There are many things I don’t miss about my banking career, but there is one thing that I really loved: I never had to work a single night or a day on a weekend.  The financial markets opened early and closed early, five days a week.  There wasn’t any trading or processing of trades I could get done at night or on the weekend.  I would sometimes, by choice, work on spreadsheets around investment strategies, but it was never required that I work after hours.

A few weekends ago, we completed another Lifeplan retreat for several couples at a high-end guest ranch.  It marked our 300th attendee.  The venue was stellar, the food was amazing, the weather was great, and the couples who attended were beautiful in every way.  Truly extraordinary people that all found dramatically enhanced versions of their future lives there.

Some might call spending Friday-Sunday with a bunch of clients a labor of love.  It flies in the face of everything I most loved about my prior career, but I love every minute of the retreat.

Where else can you completely rewrite the rest of your future in two days?  Where else can you completely change your life in 48 hours?

One of our recent attendees said:

“To live a life without really taking the time to see what it is you were made to do and what is keeping you from doing it, that’s the common narrative.  But to really know and get clear on my life’s purpose, that I’m made for something much greater than I realized is the truth that LifePlan has helped me lean into. The SummitTrek coaches are interested in one thing: for you to wipe the mud from your eyes, heal wounds, and help you see that you are more than you ever could’ve imagined.”

- Will

We have collected several hundred versions of this testimonial over the years, but Will says it really clearly.  The intention for your life is much more than you could've imagined.  It has never been harder to hear beyond the noise, chaos, and fear of our culture.  We need the mud wiped from our eyes, we need to set aside the lies and wounds that keep us from seeing clearly, and we need to realize the incredible value and unique intention of our lives.

And don’t get me wrong, a Lifeplan is an immense emotional outpouring from our team.  We leave those weekends pretty spent.  But we also leave completed satiated, full.  

What else could we possibly do in 2 days that could have this kind of ROI?  

What else could possibly set the stage for this kind of life change?  

Why would we choose to do anything else with our time if we knew this was a possibility?

This is the furthest thing from a labor of love.  It is a privilege.  It is our great honor.  And because of COVID, we created an online live group version that has helped us take 3 times more people through Lifeplan in the last six months than in any prior year.  And with completely comparable results.  

We just finished a LifePlan retreat for a large group of employees from a single company, and the next one is for a big group of attendees in Africa.  But later on this Fall, we will be offering both live in-person, and live online versions open to everyone.  Let us know if you are interested and we’ll make sure we let you know as soon as we establish dates for both.


  • Is clarity about your life keeping you from the clarity you need to lead your family or company?

  • Have you lost sight of the deeper meaning behind why you exist and what role you were created to play?

  • How much would it help you to be clear on the purpose of your life?



