
Turn on Location Services

to Allow “Maps” to

Determine Your Location

Your current location will be

displayed on the map and used for

directions, nearby search results

and estimated travel times.

I had to get a new phone a few months ago.  I tend to disable everything until I am absolutely sure it is necessary.  One of the things that took me a really long time to turn back on was “Location."  I had it disabled for quite some time.  On a regular basis (anytime I tried to map something) I would get the error message above, but I just typed in an address nearby to bypass the error message and continued to keep it dormant.

I think if I am really honest, in some weird way it made me feel less tethered, off the grid in the most minimal of ways.  Of course, that is completely ridiculous, but that is the best I can figure as to why my location services didn’t get activated.

Where am I?

Now it is one thing for my phone or others to not to know my whereabouts, but it is another thing entirely for me not to know myself.  No matter what journey you are charting, the two crucial coordinates are:

1. Where you are

2. Where you are going (vision)

Almost every company or individual we engage is looking for a plan.  Something to take their life or their company to some undefined better destination than where they currently find themselves.  Interestingly enough, most people aren’t super clear on their current condition and don't have a very detailed picture of where they are wanting to go.

And before we craft the strategic plan that everyone seems to be most interested in getting into their hands, we insist that some other work must be accomplished first.  Even the simplest map at an amusement park or a shopping mall starts with an indication of where you are…a pretty crucial element in terms of orienting yourself.  


  • What is going well?
  • What is not?
  • What are your current opportunities?
  • What are your biggest challenges?
  • What is not clearly understood?
  • etc.

If you start from the wrong location, the plan you have to get you to an inspired destination is going to be missing a bunch of crucial steps.  If you mistakably think that your…

  • team is healthier
  • culture is more mature
  • systems are more established
  • employees are clearer

…than they actually are, you're likely not going to get where you want to go.  You are going to have the wrong directions, not be able to properly make progress, and you will not get there by the least estimated travel time.

Are you sick of feeling like you end every year in a similar place to where you ended the prior?  Where the basket of frustrations and challenges from back then is similar to the one sitting in front of you?  

I know dozens of leaders that are choosing a different way.  They are:

  1. Getting clear on where they are personally (leadership clarity leads to organizational clarity).
  2. Getting clear on where their business is currently.
  3. Getting clear on their desired future (vision) for both.
  4. Crafting plans to get from here to there.
  5. Actually seeing that happen.

You can too.  It is really simple, it just isn’t easy.


  • As we lean into year end, are you clear where you and your company are?
  • Do you have time set aside in this last quarter with your leadership team to get really clear?
  • Are you aware that if you don’t get clear on where you are and get very clear on where you want to be at the end of 2018, you will likely end next year in a similar place?
  • This is the time of year where you can lay the foundation for very different next year.  Let us know if you are interested, and we can help.


