“If you can keep your wits about you while all others are losing theirs, and blaming you. The world will be yours and everything in it, what's more, you'll be a man, my son.”
- Rudyard Kipling
We sent this communication to many of our coaching clients this morning. We are preparing something similar for all our corporate clients as well. We felt compelled to share it with you:
Dear Friend:
The world, at least for the moment, has changed. All of us, despite our opinions about the severity of COVID-19 are going to be forced to change as well. We, like many of you, were a bit skeptical as the early reports of the virus, and its’ possible impact was reported. It felt hysterical, overblown, and even reminded a bit of Y2K. And while the truth is still largely unknown, our values and purpose are requiring a different response.
As leaders who work with leaders, we felt a responsibility not merely to play defense but to play offense and encourage the others in our tribe to do the same. Leagues, tournaments, and festivals can delay or cancel. Our businesses and organizations all have to continue. We are all just going to have to learn to do business-almost-as-usual.
We spent a considerable amount of time in prayer and discussion on Friday. Looking for divine counsel to guide everything else we were hearing. We feel like there has never been a more crucial time to be banding together with other like-minded leaders to weather this storm. But given the circumstances and unknowns of this epidemic, we believe that gathering in person is prohibitive.
We want to be leaders on this issue also, not merely responders. Here are the steps we are taking:
Our NGL and EB (group) meetings will be conducted by ZOOM this month, and every month after that until we feel it is prudent to gather again.
Our one-on-one (coaching) meetings will be conducted by ZOOM this month and every month until we feel it is prudent to meet face-to-face again.
We will devote one hour (or whatever time is necessary) at this week’s group meetings to discuss the virus, answer questions, and help each leader decide their course of action. Everyone has difficult decisions in front of them.
We are encouraging you to read the sobering, but excellent scholarship applied to the subject in the article by Tomas Pueyo, “Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now”.
We are asking you to join us in praying for our country, the response of other leaders, and the many victims that will be affected.
We pray that these aggressive measures will allow us to help play our part in helping to “flatten the curve,” and we will be back to business-as-usual in a few months. Thank you for your consideration during this challenging time. Lindsay will be sending you all instructions related to the calls this week and for our one-on-ones ongoing.
Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can more effectively handle this situation. As co-heirs of God’s Kingdom, we need to be thoughtfully intentional in safeguarding all that we have been entrusted.
May God bless you, your enterprise, and your family during this challenging time.
The SummitTrek Team
What was your internal response to the letter as you read it?
What has been your reaction to the COVID-19 crisis so far?
Do you feel like more is required?
What does continuing to keep your business operating, business-almost-as-usual, require?