June Top 5 Reads
1 ) The Real Reason Your Meetings Are So Unproductive
You may not be able to get everyone to speak up in meetings, but you can still make them much more inclusive.
2) Want More Creative Employees? Create Some Conflict.
A little friction on your team can be a good thing, and these exercises can help you channel it productively.
3) How To Grow Your Business By Pruning
My intuitive way to grow my coaching training organization was to add programs and locations. As a result, our revenue increased, but our expenses outpaced it. After wearing ourselves out trying to grow by expanding, I discovered how to grow by pruning.
4) 5 Ways To Improve Your Company's Horribly Inefficient Interview Process
Hint: Spell out in the job description exactly what success looks like after six months.
5) Surprisingly Simple Ways You Can Trick Your Brain Into Focusing
This research-based approach has shown improvements in brain function in as little as 12 hours.
May Top 5 Reads
1) How You Can Encourage Your Employees to Lead
An important part of leadership is helping others step up into their leadership. Learn how you can encourage more people to be leaders.
2) The Insanely Simple Way To Prioritize Your Work And Life
You already have values. Your company already has values. And they're not what you've sticky-noted to your laptop.
3) How To Get (And Keep) Others Committed To Change
Leaders can't just dictate a new strategy and say, "Go!" They need to get a lot of people on board, then keep them there.
4) Supervising With Coaching Skills
Supervisors have authority over other people. Coaches have no authority and function only in non-directive ways. Great supervisors integrate coaching skills into their role.
5) What To Do During Your Employees’ First Week To Avoid Losing Them
More than 40% of turnover happens within the first month, which means it’s more important than ever to engage them from day one.
April Top 5 Reads
1) Why Successful People Spend 10 Hours a Week Just Thinking
Warren Buffett has spent 80% of his career thinking. Here's why.
2) The Three Habits Of The Most Trustworthy Person In Your Office
Stop worrying about whether other people trust you and start doing things that actually encourage them to.
3) You Have 9 Months Left in 2016. Here's How to Achieve Success This Year
Your calendar can be a powerful tool to help you reach new heights.
4) Why I'll Never Put My Company's Clients First
One marketing leader explains how companies shortchange their own employees by letting their clients drive the work they do.
5) Marketing: It's More about You than Your Customers
"We need more sales." At some point during the life of your business you've probably uttered these words. But with that being said, it’s the follow-up statement that really consumes us.
March Top 5 Reads
1) 4 Ways You're Unknowingly Stressing Out Your Coworkers
It's one thing to offer help and another to actually be helpful.
2) You Might Be Confusing Trust With Transparency
"Trust is situational," one CEO explains. "Just because I trust you in one circumstance doesn’t mean I'll trust you in another."
3) How I've Learned To Cut Back On New Hires And Make More Promotions
Why not develop the leaders you need long before you need them?
4) The Secret to Spotting Trends in Your Business
So, how does trendspotting work for a business owner? It might surprise you the number of ways you’re doing this already every week, month after month. It shows up in the analysis of your metrics: Key Strategic Indicators, Key Performance Indicators, dashboards, etc. All of these tools ought to improve your ability to spot trends in the data. If they aren’t, chances are you’re not using them effectively.
5) 9 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Get People To Respond To Your Email
We get an average of 120 emails every day. Here's how to make your messages stand out and actually get a response.